International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST 2020)

We are pleased to inform you that KICS, UET Lahore is organizing its “14th IEEE International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST 2020)” on Dec 16-17, 2020. This year the conference is virtual. The registration link is will be awarded to all attendees at the end of the conference. Further information about the conference can be seen on the conference website: The program schedule of the conference is attached for your information.

About the Conference:

Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, UET Lahore, in technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Computer & Communication Societies, Lahore Section, is organizing a two-day event to invite researchers and practitioners from across the world to share their ideas and experiences related to the state-of-the-art and the future of Open Source systems and technologies, software applications, databases, networks, information security, OSS and social innovation, embedded computing, cloud computing, virtualization, AI for knowledge discovery, automation, AI Applications for COVID-19 Detection, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Evolution, Control, and Prediction, etc. ICOSST-20 will create a scientific venue where participants can share ideas, strategies and policies for tackling the development, research and adaptation challenges related to open-source tools and open-source development environments for their customized requirements.

All the UET staff, faculty, researchers and students are encouraged to attend  the Conference.